Sunday, January 25, 2009

Women Love Show Contestants

The search for love in reality shows seems more like a search for lust than a search for love. The women contestants in these shows that are all gorgeous and many of them have made alterations to their bodies with plastic surgery. The men that are searching for "love," have the choice of who they want to date, marry, or just be seen with and it seems that the woman who is the best looking, the skinniest, and has the biggest and best plastic surgery job wins the challenge every time. The message that is given off by these shows is that in order for a girl to have a chance with a guy, they need to be super model skinny, covered in makeup, and have plastic surgery to enhance their look. This look of being fake appeals to many if not all guys but it shows lust and not love. Many girls take drastic measures to look like the women in these love shows. Often, girls will even go as far as making themselves throw up to stay skinny or to lose weight. A girl should not cover up or change the real her unless it is what she wants in her life and not as a result of what the world wants her to look like or expects her to look like.

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