Thursday, April 30, 2009

Country Music

This week I am going to talk about music and the message in the songs. Specifically, I am going to talk about country music. Many people say that country music is depressing. They say that country music artists only sing about heart ache and their dogs passing away. They say that it is depressing to listen to and it makes them want to commit suicide. Now of course they are exaggerating, a lot, because they are more than likely just saying that because they do not like listening to country music for whatever reason it may be and they would never go commit suicide just because of the lyrics of a song. Anyways, people who do not like country music are of course going to talk bad about it because it is not their favorite and it is competition for the type of music they like to listen to. Now, they do make a slight point when saying country music lyrics talk a lot about heart ache and dogs passing away, I Hate Everything by George Strait is an example, but that is definitely not the only thing country music artists sing about. In my opinion, if that is all they sang about, they would not have a very big audience if they had an audience at all. Just like all other styles of music out there, the artists who write country songs often write about things that are happening in the world, things that are happening in their life, and things that they wish would happen or not happen. For example, Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue by Toby Keith is a song that talks about the 9/11 tourist attack. Toby Keith took an event that was on everyone’s hearts and turned it into a hit. Even though country music has a few depressing songs does not mean that it does not have some other great “happy” songs. What I ask is that you do not judge everyone in a specific group based off of one of the other people in the group. Each person is an individual just as every song is individually different from another song.

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