Sunday, February 15, 2009

American Idol, a Chance Maker

This week, I am going to talk about reality shows that have everyday people trying for a chance to be famous because of their talents. The best known and probably favorite show for this would be American Idol. American Idol is a show where people from across the country do a singing audition to get a chance to win a vocal artist contract. Also, the contestants that remain at the end who do not win are offered a contract by other studios. The thing that the contestants get the most of is fame in the end. Some may not get a long lasting contract that earns them the top dollar or a name that is used in households around the world like Kobe Bryant or Derek Jeter, but while they are the show they are famous.
American Idol is a show that gives any person in the world the belief and hope that they can be what they want to be whether it be a famous actor, a professional athlete, an astronaut, or even just a journalist. Just by trying out for something you may become famous. For instance, a young man named William Hung auditioned for American Idol back in 2003. Mr. Hung did not make the cut but his audition using Ricky Martin’s, “She Bangs,” got him his fifteen minutes of fame and a spot on quite a few talk show programs. He appeared on shows such as Entertainment Tonight, the Early Show, the Late Show with David Letterman, and the George Lopez Show. He was even asked to perform at MTV’s Asian Awards. He was so popular that he even created a fan site that had over four million hits in its first week.
What we all should get from Mr. Hung is that even just to try something maybe just once may give you the opportunity to become someone famous or maybe just someone or something you have always wanted to be. So, all I am saying is to not be afraid to go out on a limb and take a chance because you never know what might happen.

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