Sunday, February 22, 2009

Different Varieties of Reality TV

This week we will be talking about the different types of reality tv. With the demand for different, crazy, and wacky television shows from the audience of this generation, there is a reality show for everyone. Some shows bring you celebrities who some may not even remember and put them in situations to see what happens while others call for a random guest in the audience to come and stage and compete. There is so many reality shows out there that not finding one that fits your interests seems, in a way, pretty impossible.
We by using some examples of shows to talk about the different kinds of shows. First, we have the all famous American Idol. American Idol is a contest where the average Joe gets a shot at fame. The contestant auditions in to enter the contest and then they have to survive each week until the end where they win a shot at a record deal. Next, we have the Tool Academy. Tool Academy is a show in which couples come to live at a mansion where the guy is put through test to see whether he is a “tool” and just using his girlfriend, or to see if he actually loves her. Each week the most “toolish” guy left is asked to leave the show until there is only one couple left who wins $100,000. Another show would be The Price is Right. The Price is Right is a show where random guests get picked from the audience to come on stage and get a chance to win many different prizes. Yet another type of show would be one such as Jeopardy. Jeopardy is a show where knowledge gets you the farthest. You pick a category on a board and a statements is read to you. You must answer the statement with a question like; what is, or who is. Each show has a winner who moves on in the rounds to compete against other contestants until there is a Jeopardy similar to a championship. Last, we have the love shows like Rock of Love. This is a show where Bret Michaels has a lot of girls to choose from to be his girlfriend. He puts them through certain events or tests to see how they handle the situations and he determines in the end, who he will call his girlfriend.
These few shows do not even put a dent in the reality show variety of today. And as you can see there is definitely a variety to choose from.

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