Sunday, March 29, 2009

Reality TV: Categories Four and Five

This week we I will finish my discussion on categorizing reality television shows. In the blog posts I have done in the last few weeks I have talked about game shows, tag along television, and improvement shows. This week I will be doing two categories in one post. My first category will be dating shows. Dating shows are pretty self explanatory, they are shows where a guy or a girl has contestants that go on dates with him or her and he or she chooses the person who they liked best or maybe they will not choose anyone at all. Some examples of these shows would be, The Dating Game, Blind Date, and Room Raiders. Other shows I would include in this category would be Elimidate, Next, and Parental Control.
My second category in this week’s post would be Hidden Camera shows. Hidden camera shows are also pretty self explanatory. They are shows where a hidden camera watches a person or a group of people react to a situation or watches how they act behind closed doors. Some shows I would include in this group would be, Scare Tactics, Candid Camera, Punk'd, and Room 401. Other shows I would include in this category would be Trigger Happy TV, The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, and Howie Do It.
Now like every week, this week I am going to ask that if anyone has any suggestions on how to better my categories whether it be add a show, move a show, get rid of a show, or simply just change the name of a category. I would appreciate any help I can get because I know my categories are definitely not perfect. Also, I do not watch a whole lot of televisions so I do not know each and every reality tv show out there which causes some missing shows in a lot of categories. So once again, I would appreciate anyone’s help.

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